
29 05.14.

International Scientific Conference Migration in Globilized World

On 29th and 30th May 2014 Yerevan State University hosted the two-day international conference “Migration in Globalized World”. The conference, organized by the Faculty of Sociology, was implemented within the framework of “Tempus UNIMIG” project.


On 29th and 30th May 2014 Yerevan State University hosted the two-day international conference “Migration in Globalized World”. The conference, organized by the Faculty of Sociology, was implemented within the framework of “Tempus UNIMIG” project.

The participants of the international conference represented Yerevan State University as well as a number of foreign universities, research institutions, international, governmental and non-governmental organizations from Germany, Russia, Italy, Poland, Spain and Georgia.

Opening speeches were make by the Dean of the Faculty of Sociology Artur Mkrtichyan together with YSU Vice-rector on Alumni issues and  Lana Karlova representing the National Tempus Office in Armenia. 

For more information please click here

